2016年2月21日 星期日

Emergency For Burned Body 燙到後趕快用它!

Emergency For Burned Body
燙到後趕快 用它!連紅印和水泡都不會有! 每家廚房都有,比沖水更有 效!! 就是愛分享 
燙到後趕快用它! 連紅印和水泡都不會有!每家廚房都有,比沖水更有效!!
Look at this severed burned hand was the result of a person who accidentally placed one's hand into a boiling corn porridge!  (This burned victim was reaching to the ladle in the pot, instead putting hand into the porridge)

由於想問題,精力不集中沒拿到叉子,而把手碰進了沸水裡麵! 痛得我尖叫起來!我趕緊去找藥治療,但身邊的一位朋友製止了我,他說不比用藥,他是一位越南朋友,也是位醫師,在我家做客,他問我有沒有麵粉,我拿出 一袋麵粉,他叫我把手伸進去, 並且放在麵粉裡10分鐘,我照做了。他說,在越南曾有一個傢夥身上著火了,眾人在驚慌中把 一袋子的



The victim's friend who was a doctor from Vietnam advised the victim to get out a bag of 
flourand place the burned hand into the bag for 10 minutes.  Miracle happened, when the victim pulled hand out, there was no sign of any burned marks on the burned hand!!!

現在,我總會在冰箱放一袋子麵 粉,每次不小心灼傷自己,我就 用麵粉敷,沒有一次是有紅印或 水泡的。

Now, this victim always place a bag of flour in the fridge in case get burned again, because the cold flour is better than the one's in room temperature!

注意:冷麵粉比常溫麵粉效果 更佳!

奇蹟!如果你問我的話。放一袋白麵粉在冰箱是不會錯的。我甚至在燙到舌頭的時候,把麵粉敷在上麵10分鐘,傷去無痕!試 一試吧!

不要把你燙傷的地方馬上放在冷水下衝洗,而要放在麵粉裡10 分鐘,你會發現奇蹟的出現。
Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ 
