(^_^ )HA HA HA 笑話
[ Romance mathematics 戀愛數學 ]
Smart Man + Smart Woman = Romance
聰明的男人 + 聰明的女人 = 戀愛
聰明的男人 + 聰明的女人 = 戀愛
Smart Man + Dumb Woman = Affair
聰明的男人 + 愚蠢的女人 = 姦情
聰明的男人 + 愚蠢的女人 = 姦情
Dumb Man + Smart Woman = Marriage
愚蠢的男人 + 聰明的女人 = 婚姻
愚蠢的男人 + 聰明的女人 = 婚姻
Dumb Man + Dumb Woman = Pregnancy
愚蠢的男人 + 愚蠢的女人 = 懷孕
愚蠢的男人 + 愚蠢的女人 = 懷孕
[ Office Arithmetic 辦公室數學 ]
Smart Boss + Smart Employee = Profit
聰明的老闆 + 聰明的夥計 = 利潤
Smart Boss + Dumb Employee = Production
聰明的老闆 + 愚蠢的夥計= 產量
Dumb Boss + Smart Employee = Promotion
愚蠢的老闆 + 聰明的夥計 = 升遷
Dumb Boss + Dumb Employee = Overtime愚蠢的老闆 + 愚蠢的夥計 = 超時工作
Shopping Math 購物數學
A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.
A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item that she doesn't need.一個女人會出10元,買一個她不需要,但值20元的東西。
[ General Equations & Statistics
公式和統計數學 ]
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. 一個女人結婚後,就不再為未來擔憂。
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. 一個男人直到結婚後,才會擔心未來。
A successful man is one who Makes more money than his wife can spend.一個男人所賺的錢,足夠支付她老婆的開銷,就是個成功的男人。
A successful woman is one who can find such a man. 可以找到一個成功的男人,就是個成功的女人。
[ Happiness 幸福數學 ]
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little. 要和一個男人幸福的生活,妳必須非常了解他,而不必太愛他。
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. 要和一個女人幸福的生活,你必須非常愛她,而不必嘗試去理解她。
[ Longevity 壽命數學 ]
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.已婚的男人一般比未婚的長命,
[ Propensity Change 個性數學 ]
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.女人希望男人婚後會有所改變,可是他並不會。
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change,
and she does.
[ Discussion Technique 辯論技巧 ]
A woman has the last word in any argument.在爭吵時,女人總是爭到最後一字一句。
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument。在那之後,男人所說的任何句話,又會引起新的爭端。