2016年9月10日 星期六

橋 Bridges to Cross . . .

Bridges to Cross . . .
If you wish to experience the breathtaking panoramas of the mountainous Ai-Petri region on the southeastern coast of Crimea, you must first brave the wooden bridges that tower over vast ravines.
Stomach-jolting:                                                          You have to                                                          have nerves of                                                          steel to risk                                                          death or                                                          serious injury                                                          when you take                                                          on one of the                                                          world's most                                                          dangerous                                                          trails - Mount                                                          Hua in China.                                                          It features                                                          stomach-churning                                                          drops,                                                          vertical
Stomach-jolting: You have to have nerves of steel to risk death or serious injury when
you take on one of the world's most dangerous trails — Mount Hua in China.
It features stomach-churning drops, vertical ascents, steep staircases and
narrow walkways . . . with only a small chain to cling onto.
One                                                          way of getting                                                          across the                                                          Hunza River in                                                          the Karakoram                                                          Mountains of                                                          Pakistan is by                                                          the rickety                                                          Hussaini                                                          bridge, which                                                          consists of                                                          various pieces                                                          of wood                                                          strapped                                                          horizontally 
One way of getting across the Hunza River in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan is by the
rickety Hussaini bridge, which consists of various pieces of wood strapped horizontally.
A                                                          long way to                                                          go: Trift                                                          Bridge in                                                          Switzerland is                                                          the longest                                                          pedestrian-only                                                          suspension                                                          bridge in the                                                          Alps at 557                                                          feet in length
A long way to go: at 557 feet in length the Trift Bridge in Switzerland is the longest
pedestrian-only suspension bridge in the Alps.
The                                                          Titlis Cliff                                                          Walk in                                                          Switzerland                                                          hangs 9842 ft                                                          above sea                                                          level and                                                          offers                                                          mountainous                                                          views - and                                                          sweaty palms -                                                          for those                                                          willing to                                                          travel across                                                          it 
While the Titlis Cliff Walk in Switzerland hangs 9842 feet above sea level
and offers mountainous views — and sweaty palms — for those willing to travel across it.
One                                                          of travellers                                                          biggest fears                                                          was realised                                                          last week when                                                          a tourist                                                          dropped a mug                                                          on a glass                                                          walkway on the                                                          Yuntai                                                          Mountain,                                                          Henan Province                                                          causing the                                                          floor to                                                          shatter. The                                                          attraction                                                          opened in The walkway when it first opened at the end                                                          of the monthA glass-bottom walkway installed on the side                                                          of a cliff has                                                          cracked under                                                          the pressure                                                          of huge                                                          throngs during                                                          the week-long                                                          National Day                                                          holidays
Many travelers' biggest fears were realized when a tourist dropped a mug on a glass walkway
on the Yuntai Mountain in Henan Province, causing the floor to shatter.
The attraction opened in September and has now been closed for repairs.
Completed                                                          in 2004, the                                                          Langkawi Sky                                                          Bridge is                                                          built on top                                                          of the                                                          Machinchang                                                          mountain in                                                          Malaysia and                                                          hangs at about                                                          328 ft above                                                          the ground.                                                          The walkway                                                          can                                                          accommodate up                                                          to 250 people                                                          at the same  
Completed in 2004, the Langkawi Sky Bridge is built on top of the Machinchang mountain in Malaysia and hangs at about 328 feet above the ground. 
The walkway can accommodate up to 250 people at the same time and
swings out over the landscape to give visitors a unique look at the landscape.
There are                                                          three vine                                                          bridges in                                                          Shikoku, the                                                          smallest of                                                          Japan s four                                                          main islands,                                                          which are                                                          constructed                                                          using slats of                                                          wood placed                                                          between 7 and                                                          12 inches                                                          apart, secured                                                          in place with                                                          two single                                                          vines - not
There are three vine bridges in Shikoku — the smallest of Japan's four main islands —
which are constructed using slats of wood placed between 7 and 12 inches apart, and secured
in place with two single vines.   Definitely not recommended for those who prefer solid ground. 
Suspended                                                          above the                                                          massive and                                                          foreboding                                                          ravines in                                                          Daedunsan                                                          Provincial                                                          Park in South                                                          Korea, the                                                          visitor                                                          bridges and                                                          ladder-like                                                          walkways make                                                          for an                                                          adreneline-filled                                                          experience
Suspended above the massive and foreboding ravines in Daedunsan Provincial Park in South Korea, the bridges and ladder-like walkways make for an adrenaline-filled experience for visitors. 
While it                                                          may look like                                                          one of the                                                          more secure                                                          bridges in the                                                          collection,                                                          the Millau                                                          Viaduct in                                                          France is so                                                          high it is                                                          often above                                                          the clouds. In                                                          fact at its                                                          highest point,                                                          the bridge is                                                          taller than
While it may look like one of the more secure bridges in the collection,
the Millau Viaduct in France is so high it is often above the clouds.
In fact, at its highest point, the bridge is taller than the Eiffel Tower! 
Hold on                                                          tight:                                                          Visitors can                                                          journey                                                          through the                                                          jagged                                                          needle-like                                                          pinnacles of                                                          Tsingy de                                                          Bemaraha                                                          National Park                                                          via wooden                                                          bridges with                                                          little support                                                          each side
Hold on tight:  Visitors can journey through the jagged needle-like pinnacles of the
Tsingy de Bemaraha National Park via wooden bridges with little support on each side. 
You                                                          won't want to                                                          stumble while                                                          walking across                                                          the Devil's                                                          Bridge in Red                                                          Rock-Secret                                                          Mountain                                                          Wilderness                                                          Area outside                                                          Sedona,                                                          Arizona, which                                                          has sheer                                                          drops either                                                          side of its                                                          arched
You won't want to stumble while walking across the Devil's Bridge in Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness Area outside Sedona, Arizona.  It has sheer drops either side of its arched structure. 
If                                                          you want to                                                          experience the                                                          rocky St.                                                          Gervasio                                                          gorges in                                                          Piedmont,                                                          Italy, one way                                                          is to go                                                          through it -                                                          via the tiny                                                          Tibetan                                                          bridge 
If you want to experience the rocky St. Gervasio gorges in Piedmont, Italy,
one way is to go through it — via the tiny Tibetan bridge. 
Don't                                                          look down: The                                                          Royal Gorge                                                          Suspension                                                          bridge in                                                          Colorado is                                                          America s                                                          highest                                                          suspension                                                          bridge at                                                          1,053 feet                                                          above ground 
Don't look down:  At 1,053 feet above ground, the Royal Gorge Suspension bridge in Colorado
is America's highest suspension bridge. 
Spanning                                                          nearly a miles                                                          across the                                                          Taungthaman                                                          Lake in                                                          Myanmar, the                                                          U-Bein Bridge                                                          is a rickety                                                          platform made                                                          of teakwood.                                                          The bridge is                                                          held together                                                          on both sides                                                          with 1,086                                                          pillars that                                                          come up out of                                                           
Spanning nearly a mile across the Taungthaman Lake in Myanmar, the U-Bein Bridge
is a rickety platform made of teakwood. 
The bridge is held together on both sides with 1,086 pillars that come up out of the water,
and it looks like it could do with some extra support in many places. 
If                                                          you are heavy                                                          footed, you                                                          may wish to                                                          find an                                                          alternative                                                          way across the                                                          rivers in                                                          Vietnam.                                                          Monkey bridges                                                          include one                                                          giant log for                                                          your feet, and                                                          another                                                          smaller one                                                          for your                                                          hands 
If you are heavy footed, you may wish to find an alternative way across the rivers in Vietnam.
"Monkey Bridges" are made up of one large log for your feet, and another smaller one for your hands. 
Originally                                                          the                                                          Carrick-a-Rede                                                          Rope Bridge in                                                          Northern                                                          Ireland only                                                          had one                                                          handrail.                                                          Thankfully                                                          today there                                                          are more                                                          robust safety                                                          features in                                                          place, but it                                                          is still a                                                          scary                                                          experience for                                                           
Originally the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge in Northern Ireland only had one handrail. 
Thankfully today there are more robust safety features in place,
but it is still a scary experience for those who gaze down on the rocks below. 
The                                                          Qeswachaka                                                          Bridge in Peru                                                          is an Inca                                                          rope bridge                                                          placed over                                                          canyons,                                                          gorges and                                                          rivers and is                                                          a handwoven                                                          bridge made                                                          out of a local                                                          grass called                                                          Qoya. Every                                                          year local                                                          villagers make                                                          the bridge,  
The Qeswachaka Bridge in Peru is an Inca rope bridge placed over canyons, gorges and rivers
and is a handwoven bridge made out of a local grass called Qoya. 
Every year local villagers re-make the bridge — before it deteriorates through wear and use. 
This                                                          viewing                                                          platform at                                                          the Aiguille                                                          Du Midi                                                          mountain in                                                          Chamonix-Mont-Blanc                                                          more than                                                          earns its                                                          place on the                                                          list with its                                                          terrifying                                                          9,200ft drop 
This viewing platform at the Aiguille Du Midi mountain in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
more than earns its place on the list with its terrifying 9,200 foot drop.

