2015年10月16日 星期五

這些攝影師會想盡一切辦法 只為一個好鏡頭!

這些攝影師會想盡一切辦法 只為一個好鏡頭!
Brave Photographers
Photographers are known for seeing the world through a lens. While anyone can be a photographer with a smartphone, true photographers go one step further. For that perfect frame, they are willing to wait, stalk, contort and brave the elements. See how these brave folk go to extreme lengths to show you the world in a different way. 
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot
anything for a shot

