2015年8月12日 星期三

1 個人生活習慣如何形成

Part 1
曾經有人做過估計,人們每天的行為有超過 4 成是習慣使然,而非審慎決定的結果。有了這點認識,也就很有理由去了解習慣是如何形成和運作。這一切都歸因於「習慣迴路」的運作──你看到一個提示,因此遵循一個慣性行為,以便得到你渴望的獎勵。 要建立新習慣或改變舊習慣,你只要保留相同的提示與獎勵,然後想辦法汰換舊的慣性行為,改成更新更好的行為。


Part 1
How habits form in the lives of individuals
It has been estimated that more than 40 percent of the actions you perform every day are the result of your habits rather than deliberate decisions you’re making. With that in mind, it makes sense to get to understand how habits form and work. It’s all due to the operation of the “Habit Loop” – you see a cue and you therefore follow a routine to get the reward you crave. To build new habits or change old ones, keep the cue and the reward the same and look for ways to swap out old routines for new and improved routines.

What is a habit? Technically, it can be defined as the situation where you make a deliberate decision at some point to do something and then stop thinking about your choice as you continue to follow the same routine over and over. With habits, what you do becomes automatic rather than requiring you to decide what to do each time.
麻省理工學院的研究人員在 1990 年代開始認真研究習慣,從那時便已找出大腦有個稱為「基底核」的區塊,與習慣的形成有關。如果你把大腦看作一顆洋葱,從演化的觀點來看,外層(接近頭皮的地方)是最後新增的部分,這些外層負責創意思考和社交往來。 基底核則是最裡面的一層,大小大約和高爾夫球一樣,位於頭顱中央。
Researchers at MIT started studying habits in earnest in the 1990s and since that time have been able to show the section of the brain which is involved in habit formation is known as the basal ganglia. If you visualize the brain as an onion, the outer layers (near the scalp) are the most recent additions from an evolutionary perspective. These outer layers handle creative thinking and social interactions. The basal ganglia is one of the innermost layers and is roughly the size of a golf ball in the center of the skull.

「科學家說習慣的出現是因為大腦不斷在想辦法省力。如果任其發展,大腦會試著把所有慣性行為都變成習慣,因為習慣可以讓我們的心思較常緩和下來。這種省力的本能是一項很大的優點。 一顆有效的腦袋需要的空間較少,頭也就可以小一點,這會讓分娩變得比較順利,嬰兒與母親的死亡率因而可以減少。一顆有效的腦袋也能讓我們不必再不斷思考基本的行為,例如走路以及選擇吃些什麼,讓我們可以把更多的腦力拿去發明矛、灌溉系統,最終發明飛機和電玩遊戲。然而保存腦力是一件棘手的事,因為如果我們的腦袋在錯誤的時刻停止運轉,我們可能會忽略某件重要的事,例如躲在樹叢裡的獵食者,或是在過馬路時一輛急駛而來的汽車。因此我們的基底核設計了一套聰明的系統,可以判斷什麼時候要讓習慣接手。也就是一整套行為開始或結束時發生的那些事。」──查爾斯.杜希格
Key Thoughts

“Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often. This effort-saving instinct is a huge advantage. An efficient brain requires less room, which makes for a smaller head, which makes childbirth easier and therefore causes fewer infant and mother deaths. An efficient brain also allows us to stop thinking constantly about basic behaviors, such as walking and choosing what to eat, so we can devote mental energy to inventing spears, irrigation systems, and, eventually, airplanes and video games. But conserving mental effort is tricky, because if our brains power down at the wrong moment, we might fail to notice something important, such as a predator hiding in the bushes or a speeding car as we pull onto the street. So our basal ganglia have devised a clever system to determine when to let habits take over. It’s something that happens whenever a chunk of behavior starts or ends." — Charles Duhigg
習慣迴路存在你曾經有過的每個習慣的核心,可以拆解成 3 個基本的必要元素: 

